Friday, February 11, 2011

Radio: Platters for the Pacific

Radio: Platters for the Pacific

Firmest rule of network broadcasting is "no recordings." Reasons given: 1) when NBC set the style 13 years ago, recordings ("platters") were pretty scratchy; 2) the radio audience likes programs better fresh than canned. Many a recording man retorts that if recorded Jack Bennys, Charlie McCarthys and other big-name shows were centrally recorded and delivered to individual broadcasters for local transmission, they could have higher fidelity to the original than can be attained over the present wire hookups.
Just who would profit by such a system, except for recording companies and some finely trained audience ears, is still problematical, but sure losers...

Read more:,9171,762479,00.html#ixzz1qZ65Mi6M

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